Monday, October 26, 2009



Landrey, Chanley and Kynley been working on these cute little ghosts at the corn maze. They made them out of milk weed leaves. They made the faces with a marker. Such creative little kids. So the other day when i got home from work, Landrey had made this cute little sign for them to sale at the corn maze. So if any body comes to the corn maze make sure you check these out. They are selling them for a quarter!!!!!!!

Coloring contest

Chanley got brought home in the fire engine. He won the coloring contest. It made his whole day to be able to do this. For those of you who don't no him he loves anything to do with FIRE, sirens, lights. and anything to do with that kind of stuff.

Travis, Jaycee, Chanley!!!! Winners in there class
Wainting for his arrival!!!

He was so emberessed when he got out of the truck. He didn't want nothing to do with anyone

Travis and Chanley

Punpkin patch

Going out to pick our Pumpkins!!!!!

Me and Lance!!




Hay Ride!!!!!

Hair cut!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Haloween Picture

I love this picture! It's of me and my sisters at the corn maze last year. Left top is Bree bottom is left Penny, Me on the bottom right and Kami On the right top. We have so much fun doing the corn maze and cant believe it is that time of year again!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I have been a royal slacker on blogging. Nothing really has been to exciting around our house to blog about. Kynley has been begging me since summer to get her hair cut, and i keep putting it off and making excuses why she cant cut it. So the other day i tooked the boys to get theres cut and she begged me to make an appointment, So i decided to get brave and let her do it YIKES!!! She really wanted a A Line but i think i got her talked into just cutting it to her shoulders. I will take pictures tomorrow. Hope i dont chicken out and trim it.